- Gladstone DJ, Dorian P, Spring M, Panzov V, Mamdani M, Healey JS, Thorpe KE; EMBRACE Steering Committee and Investigators. Atrial premature beats predict atrial fibrillation in cryptogenic stroke: results from the EMBRACE trial. Stroke. 2015 Apr;46(4):936-41. Read more…
- Julia Lowe, R Gary Sibbald, Nashwah Y Taha, Gerald Lebovic, Carlos Martin, Indira Bhoj, Rolinda Kirton, Brian Ostrow, et al. The guyana diabetes and foot care project: A complex quality improvement intervention to decrease diabetes-related major lower extremity amputations and improve diabetes care in a lower-middle-income country. PLoS Med, 12, 2015. Read more…
- Julia Lowe, R Gary Sibbald, Nashwah Y Taha, Gerald Lebovic, Madan Rambaran, Carlos Martin, Indira Bhoj, and Brian Ostrow. The guyana diabetes and foot care project: Improved diabetic foot evalua¬tion reduces amputation rates by two-thirds in a lower middle income country. International Journal of Endocrinology, 2015, 2015. Read more…
- Christopher W Noel, Henry Fung, Raman Srivastava, Gerald Lebovic, Stephen W Hwang, Alan Berger, and Myrna Lichter. Visual impairment and unmet eye care needs among homeless adults in a canadian city. JAMA ophthalmology, 133(4):455–460, 2015. Read more…
- JA Srigley, M Gardam, G Fernie, D Lightfoot, G Lebovic, and MP Muller. Hand hygiene monitoring technology: a systematic review of efficacy. Journal of Hospital Infection, 89(1):51–60, 2015. Read more…
- Leanne R De Souza, Eva Kogan, Howard Berger, João G Alves, Gerald Lebovic, Ravi Retnakaran, Jonathon L Maguire, and JG Ray. Abdominal adiposity and insulin resistance in early pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 36(11):969–975, 2014. Read more…
- Grace J Lee, Catherine S Birken, Patricia C Parkin, Gerald Lebovic, Yang Chen, Mary R LAbbé, and Jonathon L Maguire. Consumption of non–cows milk beverages and serum vitamin d levels in early childhood. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 186(17):1287–1293, 2014. Read more…
- H Yu Catherine, Janet A Parsons, Muhammad Mamdani, Gerald Lebovic, Susan Hall, David Newton, Baiju R Shah, Onil Bhattacharyya, Andreas Laupacis, and Sharon E Straus. A web-based intervention to support self-management of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: effect on self-efficacy, self-care and diabetes distress. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 14(1):117, 2014. Read more…
- Rachel Wald and Others. Rationale and design of the Canadian outcomes registry late after tetralogy of fallot repair: The correlate study. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 2014. Read more…
- Joel G Ray, Allison J McGeer, Jennifer M Blake, Gerald Lebovic, Graeme N Smith, and Mark H Yudin. Peripartum outcomes: non-adjuvanted v. adjuvanted h1n1 vaccination. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association journal= journal de l’Association medicale canadienne, 186(2):137, 2014. Read more…
- Jennifer Gettings, Braden O’Neill, Dave A Chokshi, James A Colbert, Peter Gill, Gerald Lebovic, Joel Lexchin, and Navindra Persaud. Differences in the volume of pharmaceutical advertisements between print general medical journals. PloS one, 9(1):e84790, 2014. Read more…
- Navindra Persaud, Jonathon L Maguire, Gerald Lebovic, Sarah Carsley, Marina Khovratovich, Janis A Randall Simpson, Brian W McCrindle, Patricia C Parkin, and Catherine Birken. Association between serum cholesterol and eating behaviours during early childhood: a cross-sectional study. Canadian Medi-cal Association Journal, 185(11):E531–E536, 2013. Read more…
- Burns KE1, Rizvi L, Tan W, Marshall JC, Pope K. Participation of ICUs in critical care pandemic research: a province wide, cross-sectional survey. Crit Care Med. 2013 Apr;41(4):1009-16. Read more…
- Banerji A, Panzov V, Robinson J, Young M, Ng K, Mamdani M. The cost of lower respiratory tract infections hospital admissions in the Canadian Arctic. Int J Circumpolar Health. 2013 Aug 5;72. Read more…
- Jonathon L Maguire, Leila Salehi, Catherine S Birken, Sarah Carsley, Muhammad Mamdani, Kevin E Thorpe, Gerald Lebovic, Marina Khovratovich, Patricia C Parkin, et al. Association between total duration of breastfeeding and iron deficiency. Pediatrics, 131(5):e1530–e1537, 2013. Read more…
- Timothy CY Chan, Heyse Li, Gerald Lebovic, Sabrina K Tang, Joyce YT Chan, Horace CK Cheng, Laurie J Morrison, and Steven C Brooks. Identifying locations for public access defibrillators using mathematical optimization. Circulation, 127(17):1801–1809, 2013. Read more…
- G Lebovic, N Siddiqui, and MP Muller. Predictors of hand hygiene compliance in the era of alcohol-based hand rinse. Journal of Hospital Infection, 83(4):276–283, 2013. Read more…
- Jonathon L Maguire, Gerald Lebovic, Sharmilaa Kandasamy, Marina Khovratovich, Muhammad Mamdani, Catherine S Birken, Patricia C Parkin, et al. The relationship between cow’s milk and stores of vitamin d and iron in early childhood. Pediatrics, 131(1):e144–e151, 2013. Read more…
- H Yu Catherine, Janet Parsons, Muhammad Mamdani, Gerald Lebovic, Baiju R Shah, Onil Bhattacharyya, Andreas Laupacis, and Sharon E Straus. Designing and evaluating a web-based self-management site for patients with type 2 diabetes-systematic website development and study protocol. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 12(1):57, 2012. Read more…
- Wald R, Friedrich JO, Bagshaw SM, Burns KE, Garg AX, Hladunewich MA, House AA, Lapinsky S, Klein D, Pannu NI, Pope K, Richardson RM, Thorpe K, Adhikari NK. Optimal Mode of clearance in critically ill patients with Acute Kidney Injury (OMAKI)–a pilot randomized controlled trial of hemofiltration versus hemodialysis: a Canadian Critical Care Trials Group project. Crit Care. 2012 Oct 24;16(5):R205. Read more…
- Saposnik G1, Mamdani M, Bayley M, Thorpe KE, Hall J, Cohen LG, Teasell R; EVREST Steering Committee; EVREST Study Group for the Stroke Outcome Research Canada Working Group. Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Exercises in STroke Rehabilitation (EVREST): rationale, design, and protocol of a pilot randomized clinical trial assessing the Wii gaming system. Int J Stroke. 2010 Feb;5(1):47-51. Read more…